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    Word of faith and hope to the nations!

    We are living in an extremely interesting time. Everything around us is changing so fast. Only 250 years ago humankind did not have cars, trains, planes nor any other technical equipment that is so necessary for us today. But now, we cross immense distances within few hours. Thanks to the introduction of radio, television and Internet, information can be transmitted across the whole world in only few moments. Using those scientific and technical achievements, we can bring the Gospel to the people. The saving, delivering and healing message about Jesus Christ can sound in each home around the clock. Each individual can call on God any time and receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life. The Word of God which says that the Gospel will be preached over all the Earth, is already coming to pass.

    On June 7, 1995 a Christian Channel LIFE TV was established. A little before that, the Lord had given me a message from the Bible: Unto whom now I send thee, To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins… (Acts 26:18)

    Later God gave the vision for this ministry and showed the fruit it will bear. During these years we have learned a lot - in a short time we have acquired technical skills and experience, but first of all, we have learned to trust the Lord. There is also a place for you in His plans. I invite you to participate in God's vision. You can do your part in spreading Christian television all over Estonia. Your prayers and financial support make it possible for us to reach even more viewers. The light will shine in the darkness, curses will be broken and the blessing of God will prevail. Thousands and thousands can be saved.

    LIFE TV Estonia | LIFE TV Europe

    Mission and Strategic Goals

    • To give the people the opportunity to hear the Gospel which is the power of God and brings salvation to everyone who believes.
    • To reach as many people as possible in Estonia and abroad.
    • To provide a possibility for Christians to feed on the Word of God and build up their faith thorough clear and powerful teaching.

    Opinions of viewers

    I am very happy and grateful to you, that here in Lasnamae we can watch such a Christian TV. As other TV channels only bring you down, LIFE TV is the only one that lifts you up. Everything that is good comes from God, everything that is good in TV, comes from LIFE TV! (Erika, Tallinn, Estonia)

    Thank you for this television ministry. Thank God for this possibility. All your programs carry the positive influence of the Word of God. Thank you! (Ljuba, Estonia)

    I am very thankful to God and to you for this work. It is wonderful that God has answered my personal prayers. There are two Christian radio stations and now also the television. I have prayed for this for a long time and now it is here. My personal life and health have improved thanks to LIFE TV, I feel a lot better. I am 55 years old and due to unsuccessful back surgery badly handicapped. I wish you lots of blessings from God for the future and for LIFE TV to improve and progress even more. I am very happy and satisfied. (Helle, Tallinn, Estonia)

    Contact us

    info(at)lifetv.ee | lifetv.estonia(at)gmail.com


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